Brewing Up HOPE for the Nations

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Welcome to PostmilStill! Our name is a play on words, combining our personal hobby of brewing, with the postmillennial belief that the gospel will ultimately transform the world. Cheers to our King!

As postmillennial Christians, we believe that the good news of Jesus Christ has the power to bring about true and lasting change in our world. While many Christians may feel discouraged by the state of the world and the cultural trends that seem to be moving away from Christianity, we remain steadfast in our hope for the future.

Through our blog posts, we aim to encourage and equip believers to live out their faith in a way that brings hope to their communities and the world. We believe that every aspect of our lives, from our work to our relationships to our leisure time, can be infused with a sense of purpose and meaning when viewed through the lens of the gospel.

Our hope is that as we engage with these topics and explore the richness of the postmillennial perspective, we will all be challenged to live more fully into the call of Christ in our daily lives. So grab a cup of coffee or a pint of your favorite brew, and let’s dive in together as we brew up hope for the nations.

Things on this site are just now beginning to ferment, so allow some some time while we put the <html> enemies under Christ’s feet.


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